Friday, August 10, 2012

10 lessons you won't learn in school

1.  You can learn something useful from anyone.
Whenever we find ourselves ignoring someone because we’ve already determined that they aren’t “smart” enough to say something meaningful, we’ve made a big mistake. Besides being presumptuous and arrogant, this mindset blocks out every useful thing the other person might pass along. Instead of just listening and mining the conversation for nuggets of wisdom, we allow our pre-existing bias to brand everything as  “not smart enough for me." Incredibly bad idea. I’ve yet to meet someone who couldn’t teach me something.
2. If quality slips, it really doesn’t matter how good your ideas were.
This one I learned from a couple of my uncles who worked as quality control specialists on assembly lines. The most ingenious design plans, no matter how many brains contributed to them, can fatally falter in the execution phase if quality slips.  This is equally true for intangible plans.  Imparting greatness requires a continuum of effort and attention, not just an initial brain-fueled flurry to get exemplary ideas on paper.
3. Don’t ever let a bully intimidate you – not even once.
Now, some might say this one is too dogmatic because it’s possible to allow a bully to intimidate you in the short term so you can get the upper hand in the long term. But the best advice I ever received about this came from a retired truck driver who said, paraphrasing, “When you let a bully intimidate you, the bully doesn’t necessarily win, but you definitely lose.” What he meant was, you lose upstairs where the loss takes a progressively worse toll on your psyche. Yes you can recover from that, but it’s going to take a lot more effort to bring your self-esteem up to par again than if you’d stood your ground to begin with. Reasonable people can differ on this, of course, but I think it’s sound advice.
4. Reciprocity is the name of the relationship game and always will be.
If you can’t find it in yourself to return a favor, or give back more than you got when someone helped you out of a bind, then you are relationship handicapped. While this may seem like basic intuitive logic (and it is), it’s amazing how often it’s ignored.  While relationships shouldn’t be tit for tat arrangements, the underlying willingness to reciprocate—even if it’s really hard to do—must be there for the relationship to grow and flourish. None of us are one-way streets.
5. Learning is good; Doing is better.
Well, ok, this one is a little bit on the nose.  Learning is more than good – it’s essential. Learning is the elixir that makes the human brain the most powerful organic decision-making and problem-solving tool on the planet.  The main point here (passed on to me by a former co-worker) is that there’s a certain magic in doing that many people simply miss out on. You can learn a lot about car engines, but until you get under the hood and work on one, you can’t see just how remarkable an invention these machines we take for granted truly are.  That’s one example of thousands, but the same principle applies. 6. Kindness isn’t optional.
Kurt Vonnegut famously said, "There's only one rule that I know of… you've got to be kind.”  Why do some people just “get” this while others find being kind a chore? Personally, I think it has a lot to do with our need to feel right, and an attendant unwillingness to consider that maybe we really aren’t right, and it’s not worth treating another person unkindly to prove whatever point is on the table. Besides that, being unkind is illogical because it only incites unkindness aimed at you, and who wants that?
7. You can survive anything (assuming it doesn’t physically kill you).
More than one person has said something like this to me, and I think it’s dead on right.  Often it’s rumination about how we won’t survive this or that calamity that really gets us. But usually we can find the inner reserves to overcome just about anything, and will probably surprise ourselves that we pulled it off.  I’m not saying it won’t hurt like hell, or bring us to our very brink, but we usually give ourselves far too little credit for being able to overcome difficulty.  I won’t quote Nietzsche here, but you get the point.
8. Get a dog.
I suppose this one could also be “get a cat” or a fish for that matter, but as someone once told me, there’s something about a dog that brings out the best in its owners.  Companionship with a beast brimming with unconditional love does a body good – especially when hard times hit.
9. Money is important, but experience is invaluable.
I honestly can’t recall where I first heard this but I’m putting it on this list anyway because I think it’s really important. When you buy something, you’ll enjoy that thing for awhile, but our in-built tendency toward habituation will eventually assert itself and the thing will become yet another thing we own. When we invest in experience, however, we are buying memories, and new learning, and new ways of thinking, and a whole lot more.  Those are things that become part of who we are, and no physical item can touch that dollar for dollar.
10. Just be ready.
We’ll end with a nice bit of simple logic. Just be ready…for anything. Quoting that inestimable philosopher, Mike Tyson, “Everyone has a plan - until they get punched in the face.”  Exactly.  So be ready to get punched in the face, and then refer back to #7 on this list.

Bulldog survives 500 porcupine spikes in the face

Three-year-old bulldog Bella Mae in pain. (Photo: Norman Animal Emergency Center Facebook page)Three-year-old bulldog Bella Mae in pain. (Photo: Norman Animal Emergency Center Facebook page)
Mega- OUCH!
A three-year-old bulldog in the US is capturing the hearts of pet lovers the world 0ver after his hairy encounter with a porcupine.
The result of the prickly encounter? 500 spikes in the face.
The dog called Bella Mae was treated by theNorman Animal Emergency Centre, who put up his photo, which has since gone viral, on their Facebook page.
Vets at the centre removed the spikes, which measured several centimetres,  that were embedded in Bella Mae's face and paws after the attack, which took place in a town called Blanchard in Oklahoma.
He was subsequently kept on medication and under close supervision for a week before being home last Thursday.
Porcupines are generally herbivores and eat leaves, herbs, twigs and green plants but their quills or spines can be released upon contact.
Watch how Bella Mae was treated.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to deal with annoying workmates

No matter how much you try to restrain yourself, try to keep your calm like a monk,
at some point, an annoying colleague who makes your skin crawl and makes you grind your teeth in utter disgust is likely to break your threshold of patience. You might reason that after a certain point, such an outburst is justified but at workplaces, such things can prove damaging for your professional life. Here, are a few tips to handle irritating office colleagues in a manner that puts you at ease and neutralizes chances of your emotional eruptions:

She’s a Blink & Miss Type: Don’t Take It, Instead Server It To Her

Her ability to complete work within deadlines despite being perpetually absent from her desk would even embarrass Houdini. It is not magic really but women are expert at manipulating folks around them and getting their work done, using the stolen time
for chatting on the phone or just idling away with a cup of coffee. Don’t accept her callousness. Next time, there is a team meeting, ensure that you bring up the topic of individual breaks being recorded/managed in some way. Clearly state that you have seen some folks take undue advantage of the management’s liberties. Even if your boss is a habitual break-seeker, he cannot refuse a matter that involves actual, employee work time being wasted.

Yes, He Procrastinates—So, You Get Nagging

On some people, talking about deadlines is just wasted. They couldn’t care less about the world around them, including their office colleagues, which includes You. Here, you have to be a bit proactive. Take the initiative in setting-up reminders across all forms of supplies available to you. This can include paste-it desk slips, SMS, reminder calls, reminder emails and using any other form of office communication. Nag him to the extent that not doing your work feels like being constipated for days—if he won’t get “it” done, doing anything else would be uneasy.

She’s Too Polite But Doesn’t Work—Be Even More Courteous & Make Her Work

Some people have mastered the art of seeming so polite; it seems as if saying ‘No’ to them or not abiding by their opinions is equal to saying ‘No’ to World Peace! Women tend to do this a lot, smiling and cajoling you into unwanted situations, leaving
you biting your nails later when you realize how misguiding her smile was. Use her weapon, against her. Be overtly gracious to her, even when arguing your point. Put-on that plastic smile that Miss World contestants do so impeccably, even when you vehemently dump her perspective in front of everybody. Keep reminding her of the things she hasn’t done without a hint of anger. Feeling that her own wonder drug is being used on her is sure to make her suffer.

He Interrupts You, Using Tit-for-Tat As A Tool

Folks who have an obsession towards interrupting others can be found in nearly every workplace. Yes, such irksome habits can make you literally feel like banging his head against the wall—don’t do it, instead play his game, against him. For a week or two, ensure that you don’t leave any opportunity of interrupting your perennial intruder. Do this with the kind of regularity that would even put him to shame. If he dares to question your behavior, you have won the moment—just tell him that this is exactly how he irritates you and everybody else.



Employed but still need of additional income?


Alcohol Effects on Your Sex Life

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Alcohol Effects on Your Sex LifeAlcohol remains a dicey part of our lives, attracting many of us with the surreal sense of happiness
it can create and making us apprehensive with the wide range of health problems it can induce. However, most health/medical experts believe that the real issue is not whether alcohol is beneficial or detrimental for your health. The real issue is how you handle your alcohol consumption. Perhaps, the best way of explaining this is reading the following, which explains Alcohol Effects on Your Sex Life:

When Alcohol Can Catalyze Your Sex Life

It is often said that anything when consumed in moderation is less prone to harm you. This concept couldn’t be truer for alcohol consumption. It is a well-researched fact that when used in moderation, alcohol can become a handy aid for spicing-up your sex life. Probably, this is the reason why many ancient cultures, including the mighty Romans, referred to wine as a powerfulaphrodisiac Positive effects of consuming alcohol in a restricted manner have been acknowledged by many medical fraternities too. This includes lowering symptoms of cardiovascular diseases and depression!

Fueling Your Sex Drive With Alcohol

This might not be surprising to even those who have merely sipped or experimented minimally with alcohol. Even when consumed in the slightest amounts, alcohol tends to lower the overall anxiety levels. This is particularly helpful for those struggling with stressful work conditions or continuously bothered by issues at home. For some duration, the mind enters a more relaxed and appeasing state which is likely to increase the overall degree of confidence and help you overcome your shyness. This might work to the extent of diluting the inhibitions related to approaching women.
Alcohol Effects on Your Sex Life

Using Alcohol To Conquer Sexual Apprehensions

Stress sustained over a period and the fear of not performing well in bed can seriously impact thebedroom performance. Here, nervousness and unwanted concerns take over—factors that often cause temporary bouts of failed erection. These psychological barriers can be alleviated to some extent with alcohol. The idea is to limit the intake so that the consciousness and overall sensibilities are not impaired but the uneasiness is conquered.

When Alcohol Can Derail Your Sex Life

Once you exceed the minimal amount of alcohol that can contribute towards improving your sexual life, its detrimental effects take over. Please understand that you don’t have to be a chronic drinker or an alcoholic past redemption to fall in this category. These harmful effects can surface even if alcohol consumption is exceeded occasionally.

Alcohol & Reduced Libido

Regularly consuming alcohol can impair the body’s internal processes that are involved in sexual stimulation, including the manner in which the blood rushes to the penile tissues when the mind is engaged with erotic notions. Further, the body is unable to maintain the required vital capacity that is required to support the increased oxygen uptake required during sex—these symptoms constitute reduced libido levels.
Alcohol Effects on Your Sex Life

Alcohol & Unsympathetic Performance

While limited amounts of alcohol are a sexual aid, excessive amounts are just the opposite. With your overall degree of perception clouded with alcohol-induced drowsiness, the sexual response can be highly curbed. You might create the impression of merely going through the motions on your partner. You can be devoid of the usual expressions and bodily reactions that underline your level of enjoyment from the act. Most men, when drunk, find it hard to maintain their erection for a reasonable period that can cause extreme dissatisfaction in your partner.

Heavy rains is the new 'normal' says DENR chief

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A Department of National Defense aerial photograph shows buildings and roads submerged by floodwaters in Rodriguez town, Rizal province, east of Manila August 8, 2012. Emergency workers and troops rushed food, water and clothes to nearly 850,000 people displaced and marooned from deadly floods spawned by 11 straight days of southwest monsoon rains that soaked the Philippine capital and nearby provinces. About 60 percent of Manila, a sprawling metropolis of about 12 million people, remained inundated on Wednesday, Benito Ramos, head of the national disaster agency, told Reuters. REUTERS/Department of National Defense/Handout (PHILIPPINES - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTSView Gallery
A Department of National Defense aerial photograph shows buildings and roads submerged by floodwaters in Rodriguez town, Rizal province, east of Manila August 8, 2012. Emergency workers and troops rushed food, water and clothes to nearly 850,000 people displaced and marooned from deadly floods spawned by 11 straight days of southwest monsoon rains that soaked the Philippine capital and nearby provinces. About 60 percent of Manila, a sprawling metropolis of about 12 million people, remained inundated on Wednesday, Benito Ramos, head of the national disaster agency, told Reuters. REUTERS/Department of National Defense/Handout (PHILIPPINES - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

Brace yourselves not only for more heavy rains, but also for longer droughts.

The Philippines will continuously experience the growing intensity of typhoons, increasing monsoon rain volumes and extended dry seasons, Environment Secretary Ramon Paje said.

"There is nothing we could do but to adapt to climate change and... to accept that the recent developments in our country like intense weather disturbances, heavy rainfall, as well as long dry season are now the 'new normal," Paje said in a statement Wednesday.

Paje's statement comes as thousands of Filipinos battle floods, following heavy rains spurred by the southwest monsoon.

Paje, for his part, urged Filipinos to heed calls for evacuation or other disaster preparedness measures, noting that such actions may prevent casualties during natural disasters such as the Quezon City landslide on Tuesday.

This, even as it noted that the area along Commonwealth Avenue had been identified as susceptible to landslides since 2002, adding that he will ask the Quezon City government to declare the area a "permanent danger zone."

Since the Philippines has been tagged as "highly vulnerable" to the impacts of climate change, Paje said the government is looking to implement long-term solutions to minimize damage of climate change-related disasters.

Paje cited as an example plans of constructing of small impounding dams in the uplands to prevent floods in low-lying areas, a project to be implemented jointy by the Environment and Public Works departments.

"If you allow rainwater to go down the watersheds it would result in flooding. But if you can impound them, the water becomes precious resource that you can use during the dry season," Paje said.

He also said his department's Mines and Geosciences Bureau is developing bigger geohazard maps to be distributed to barangays, even as he noted that over 75,000 geohazard maps have already been made for local governments.

He also noted that the Agriculture department has recently developed new climate change-resilient rice varieties.